March Pairwise Brackety Contest Thing: 90s Web Comics versus Horse People

90s Web Comics

The Case For: Introduced readers to the new creative potential of discovering a refreshing comic and then doing an archive-dive through years of material watching it evolve from a sketchy thing about mismatched college roommates into something with real dramatic and humorous maturity, in time for the cartoonist to go on hiatus a year, then post an apology about life and then post three comics in three weeks rebooting the series from the start, only way better-drawn and without the charm, before disappearing from the Internet forever.

The Case Against: Maybe there was something unintendedly wrong about the secondary character who’s part of the secret conspiracy that rules the world.

Horse People

The Case For: Are living beings who are somehow not intimidated by horses.

The Case Against: Every horse is a bundle of 284 freakish and complicated life-threatening health issues slouching against each other, so every Horse Person has a story they’re ready to deploy on you of the time this past week that sixteen of the issues started acting up and they had to spend four hundred hours hip-deep in horse innards and organic secretions in colors that don’t even exist, but it’s okay because their horse showed their appreciation by biting their ear hard enough they had to go to the emergency room.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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