I Mean, There’s Only So Many Prices a Set of Ice Trays Can Even Be

Sorry to run late, it’s just I got thinking to The Price Is Right pricing game Spelling Bee, as one will, and realized that since it hasn’t happened in a long while, I don’t know if they still have the rule that if you guess the correct price of any of the three small items you win not just the one Spelling Bee card that you get for being within ten dollars, but all three cards, maximizing your (weak) chance of winning a car. And it’s weird that it has been so long since someone called the price exactly right, right? Yeah, the prices could be all over the range of like ten to fifty bucks but they play the game a good bit and there’s three chances every game so what’s going on that people aren’t hitting it as often as in the flush days of the 90s? Spending the time on that helps me understand why everyone treated me like that in middle school.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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