What’s Going On In Prince Valiant? Who are these Tuatha and why are they a problem? March – June 2024

The current story in Mark Schultz and Thomas Yeates’s Prince Valiant has brought them to what we know of as central-eastern Ireland and there’s creatures of local lore. Some manner of fairy-type creatures, driven (according to Baedwulf, Valiant’s companion this storyline) undergrund at the dawn of time. Local human chief Witgar has turned to attacking them for a sacred Black Stone he things will gain him incredible power. The Tuatha have taken Valiant’s fabulous Singing Sword and will ransom it for the Black Stone.

If you’re reading this essay after about September 2024, you’ll need something at this link to catch you up to date. If you’re reading this around mid-June 2024, though, I hope this is what you need to get what’s happening. Let’s find out.

Prince Valiant.

24 March – 17 June 2024.

Baedwulf and Prince Valiant, following a cat behind a hanging tapestry, found the sacred Black Stone of the Tuatha. Witgar, ruling Dyfflin, had it and was doing weird incantation stuff. When Witgar noticed them he declared them traitors and that he was going to marry Baedwulf’s fiancee Bronwyn now.

The declaration works to bring Baedwulf out of hiding. Better than Witgar wanted, as Baedwulf challenges him to combat for the right to rule Dyfflin, which Witgar accepts. Valiant takes his position as Baedwulf’s second to argue Witgar cannot be king: the Black Stone stolen from the snake people (the Tuatha) has rejected him. This, combined with Bronwynn’s laughing at him, inspire Witgar to rapid, reckless fighting, right up until Baedwulf clobbers him in the head.

In the midst of the brutal combat between Witgar and Baedwulf, the two ladies reappear, carrying - 'The Black Stone! Here is the magical relic of the snake people, stolen by Lord Witgar! Hidden by him, but not cleverly enough!' Witgar is now beside himself with rage, even fear, realizing that his control on his people is slipping away. 'Lies! All lies! Even my own court betrays me! Come, my brothers, we must slay them all!' The Stone is placed on the floor, as Bronwyn exclaims: 'Listen to him, Saxons! He would slay you all, even as he has slain his wife, Hildred, the sister of these women who now bravely defy him! And Arn adds more fuel to the fire: 'But there is no need for further bloodshed! Witgar wreaked havoc to obtain this Stone that proclaims true kings --- let us see now if it confirms his right to rule, as he believes it should!' Witgar already knows the answer to that and, overcome by his madness, screams incoherently and charges Baedwulf. But his rage has made him reckless --- Baedwulf, wounded though he is, easily avoids the wild swing and counters with a devastating blow to Witgar's skull!'
Mark Schultz and Thomas Yeates’s Prince Valiant for the 12th of May, 2024. It’s a good dramatic fight with intrigues unravelling and frantic combat and all, but the resolution with a good solid klonk on the head makes me giggle. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Two of Bronwyn’s ladies brought in the Black Stone, though, and this seems like a good way to work out who should be king. The cat that’s been running through this story hops onto the stone, and then goes over to rub Baedwulf’s leg. This convinces everyone: Baedwulf must be allergic to cats. Also named king. So that’s nice for him. They put the Black Stone in the most securest vault they have for the coronation festivities. And before anyone can even finish festivating the vault is opened, the stone is stolen, and the Witgar is escaped. Their only lead: the dying utterance of Witgar’s henchman Ordwig, who says Witgar believes a ritual held in ancient Sí An Bhrú will reveal him to be the true king. So, I guess it’s nice he has some projects in mind.

Next Week!

Walt Wallet, having singlehandedly fended off a plot to rename the town by being around when the mayor pointed out they couldn’t, now faces the wrath of nature! I look at Jim Scancarelli’s Gasoline Alley to see how the person Methuselah calls “the old-timer” is doing, as ever, in case things go to plan.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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