In Which I Think I’m Disappointed In Myself

I was hoping to amuse myself by putting together a silly bit of nonsense that might not be a joke but has the vibe of one. I was feeling good about “Palindromes By Otto Racecar” and then I realized, “Otto Racecar” is its own joke. Like, you would probably buy it if I claimed that was the villain’s name in Tom Slick, right? So now I’m feeling like it’s not that I accomplished something, exactly, but I did get two kind of joke-ish things to lean against each other?

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

2 thoughts on “In Which I Think I’m Disappointed In Myself”

  1. A man, a plan, Panama.

    Wait — that’s actually a man a Pnalp a man A.

    I’ve been lied to all these years!


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