Statistics Saturday: Ingredients List For Libby’s 29 oz Can of 100% Pure Pumpkin

Ingredient: Pumpkin.
Ingredients label for a 29 ounce can of Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin. That of the 15 ounce can of Meijer’s store-brand Whole Pumpkin is similar, but lists it as ‘ingredients’.
  1. Pumpkin.

I don’t know why, but this brings me a great sense of comfort in these confused times.

Since the above picture is kind of a flimsy thing to build a whole Statistics Saturday post around, here’s the same picture given a Photoshop filter to look kind of like a fresco and then spun around more or less around the word “pumpkin”. Don’t read while operating heavy pies!

Spinning Ingredient: Spinning Pumpkin.
Ingredients label for a 29 ounce can of Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin made harder to read thanks to Photoshop!

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

6 thoughts on “Statistics Saturday: Ingredients List For Libby’s 29 oz Can of 100% Pure Pumpkin”

  1. What does a one eyed cat know about canning pumpkin? And who gave her the keys to the canner machine in the first place? And did she first can a mouse in the manner of that deleated scene in the weird Tom and Jerry cartoon?


    1. I mean, what does any cat know about canning pumpkins? I figure she just acquired it from a warehouse brokerage.

      Can’t think why she would can a mouse, although after enough of Mary Worth’s Beige Salmon Casseroles anything must seem like a good recipe to try.


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