The Mountain States Are Really Coming Together

Now, with the acquisition of Cheese Montana I am all set to consume yet another state I don’t have anything against, particularly, I just can’t think of any particular reason I’d be in it.

Photograph of a plastic-wrapped block of cheddar laid out on a tablecloth. It has a roughly rectangular shape, with the left side more of a curved arc, so that there's a faint resemblance to the outline of Montana if you're being generous. There is also a curious circular bulge in the center left, somewhere around where Missoula or Flathead Lake would be, that looks like a round security tag clinging to it.
Also comparing the label price to that of Cheese Nevada and to Cheese Idaho I’m glad to see the price per weight is staying pretty stable.

I’m just a little sad they couldn’t snip the security tag off but, hey, more Montana to eat!

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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