I Have No Idea What This _Compu-Toon_ Means and I’m Not Sure I Want to Know

I think I can parse out something like what this comic strip might mean, but I think it’s at least as likely that Simon here uses the Internet to re-experience not being able to see the tops of tables and having to pick from the part of the menu where none of the good foods are.

A man stands at the entrance to his computer room. On the chair in front of the computer desk is a Booster Seat, labelled so. Caption: 'A reminder of what mental state Simon was in during his last computer visit.'
Charles Boyce’s Compu-Toon repeat for the 7th of October, 2023. Heck of a thing if the booster seat just means it’s emotional support, though, right? Rallying Simon for the day ahead?

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

Please Write Something Funnier Than I Thought To

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