Statistics Saturday: The Thoughts Filling My Day This Week

  • Sunday: Wait, hotels can just give your reservation away if you don’t check in early enough? What are we going to do if that happens to us? I guess it’s warm enough to sleep in the car but that’s going to be miserable? Why is Ohio so far away?
  • Monday: Oh. Oh oh oh. Oh that was transcendant. I don’t know if I’m ever going to be the same person.
  • Tuesday: It was just — there aren’t the words for how unreal it was, it’s incomparable.
  • Wednesday: Why is this computer thing not working? C’mon, you should just work.
  • Thursday: Why do we even have computer things if they’re going to not work the way these things are not working, however much I sit around unsatisfied that they’re not working?
  • Friday: I feel like I want to be mad about Funky Winkerbean but that strip isn’t even running anymore and Crankshaft has been okay lately.
  • Saturday: Why when I made out this list did I try to type “Wednesday” as the first item after “Sunday”?

Reference: One Two Three … Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science, George Gamow.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

Please Write Something Funnier Than I Thought To

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