What’s Going On In Olive and Popeye? And what’s going on in Thimble Theatre? February – May 2024

It’s a bonus week for Emi Burdge and Randy Milholland’s Olive and Popeye, plot recaps of which you can always find here. The past several weeks Randy Milholland has had a specific story going on in the Sunday installments of the mother strip, too, so that’s worth a quick recap. And now, on to where the stories are, as of mid-May, 2024:

Olive and Popeye, plus Thimble Theatre.

29 February – 16 May 2024.

Olive’s story first. She and her crew had been chosen to be tutor to Hel, Charon’s daughter. Hel has a bit of a problem shuttling souls to the other side in that she can’t perceive any of them. Olive Oyl, since her brush with death at the hands of a titanic cave leech, hasn’t been able to not perceive them. The Soul Full Cave, then is the place to start looking. Olive impresses Hel with her ability to punch out cave leeches. Hel, Olive Oyl, and Petunia get to the altar-y thing just in time for a gigantic sea serpent to take up 80% of the cave’s volume, by volume. So this looks like a problem unless you peek ahead a week and learn the sea monster’s a friend of Hel’s.

Olive and Petunia in the Soul Full Cave, Olive reading her phone while Petunia looks with ever-greater horror off-camera. Olive: 'I just got a text from Sutra ... it's just a snake emoji ... I don't get what that means ... what's the deal with the ... ' We see what's got Petunia and Olive, now, terrified: it's a gigantic, cavern-filling 'SNAKE!!!!'
Emi Burdge’s Olive and Popeye for the 7th of May, 2024. Oh, hey, I’ve played that pinball! It’s a good one.

Meanwhile, Popeye’s story. O G Wotasnozzle freed Popeye and Pommy from the force bubble which kept them at CEO Bunzo’s mercy. Popeye and Pommy go in search of the hiding Bunzo. They don’t find him, but a mis-aimed laser blast from Bunzo opens a cave and drops them into the place where they might just find Plaidfood’s treasure.

Missing Bunzo’s aim: Mama Katzenjammer. She, along with Hans and Fritz and the rest of the cast of the venerable comic strip we didn’t notice when it ended, had been held captive by Bunzo’s robots. But Poopdeck and Whaler Joe had put aside their differences for a higher purpose: punching robots. And along the way they freed the natives of the island. So Mama was ready to bring her clobbering-mit-un-roller-pin skills to bear on the Bunzo problem.

Mama Katzenjammer clobbers Bunzo on the back of the head: 'Dot's wot ya get for messin' with' da crown jewel of da sqeegee islands!' The clobber makes Bunzo misfire his laser, so rather than shooting Popeye and Pommy the ground collapses underneath them. They fall down a pit. Popeye says, 'Guess he got the drop on us. Arf! Arf!' Pommy: 'No wordplay. I'm suffering enough.'
Randy Milholland’s Olive and Popeye for the 2nd of May, 2024. I’m only a little disappointed not to see Hans und Fritz having their revenge against Bunzo, but it does make more thematic sense for Mama to be the force restoring order.

The rescued population includes the third Katzenjammer Kid, who’d been in the strip in like 1887 and then vanished to wherever Jeremy’s older brother from Zits went. He hadn’t even been a trivia question until a Sunday Popeye strip last year when Randy Milholland gave him an appearance. This should explain why Mike Curtis asked Charles Ettinger to work up a modern character sheet for George Herriman’s Musical Mose.

Speaking of Sundays. Randy Milholland has been doing a story in the Sundays. This story, “Enuff’s Fisticuffs!” as teased last year features Professor Kilph, who went from simply setting up boxing matches for Popeye to villainously setting up boxing matches for Popeye. His newest scheme: ruining Popeye’s life. The plan: he bribes Sweethaven Mayor John Sappo (back in the day, Elzie Segar’s side hustle) to ban all fighting in town. And then waits for Popeye to come in, and then ta-da, jail cell Popeye won’t feel he can bust out of.

Except Popeye, setting a good model for Swee’Pea and the other children, refuses to fight, and doesn’t mind not fighting. So Kilph sets up an illegal underground fighting tournament and, in costume, tells Olive Oyl, Popeye, and Wimpy how there’ll be money for the winner. The panel after Popeye declares you won’t see him at no illegal fights, we see Wimpy introducing “El Puño Verde” to the ring.

Wimpy insists, even to Poopdeck’s face, that this fighter — who has Popeye’s jawline, pipe, arms, and legs — is not Popeye. But when El Puño Verde mops the floor with everybody, including Spinocules, a spider-eyed monster fed on Spincoal, the fossilized spinach that gave us a Bud Sagendorf story, everyone knows what’s up. They’re wrong: El Puño is Olive Oyl, and who saw that coming?

[ Enuffs Fisticuffs Part 10: Now that all combat is illegal in town, Prof Kilph has set to trying to entrap Popeye for breaking the law. He is now prepared to bring Popeye down. ] Kilph, disguised as the tournament-runner: 'You did it, El Puño Verde. You defeated my monster, so you earned a surprise.' He pulls off his wig and moustache: ''Tis I, Prof Kilph!' Wimpy: 'We know. You are bad at disguises and you are with your butler.' Kilph, leaning into the bulging jaw of the costumed El Puño: 'I'm not the only one, am I? You're in deep trouble --- ' Off-screen, Poopdeck cries out, 'POPEYE?!' We cut to Poopdeck, asking, 'But how?!' Popeye: 'C'mon, Pappy. Granny is worried sick 'bout ya.' Kilph says, 'That can't be Popeye! *This* is Popeye!' El Puño takes off the green mask, revealing they're Olive, bulging her cheeks and jaw, and wearing watermelons on her lower arms (and presumably lower legs). Kilph: 'Young lady, what are you trying to pull?! Do you know how I am? How important I am? I am not a joke!' Olive spits out the tomatos she'd stuffed into her mouth to give her a Popeye jaw, splatting Kilph in the face. Olive: 'Then why do you look like a punchline?'
Randy Milholland’s Popeye for the 19th of May, 2024. I was genuinely surprised that it was Olive Oyl rather than Popeye, despite the excellent character sense it makes. I was also surprised that Olive Oyl could hold four tomatoes in her mouth; she was really counting on not taking any hits to the jaw there.

Tough to imagine this going much past Kilph getting his comeuppance and once that uppance has come the Sunday strips will probably go back to spot jokes. But if they don’t, I won’t complain, and we’ll see here what comes of them. Check back in somewhere around mid-August and I should have an update for you.

Next Week!

Alley Oop and companions are trapped in a time loop that ends with the Earth blown up! How many times will it repeat before someone remembers they have a time machine and should be able to go to before the loop starts, maybe stop all this nonsense from happening? So you know my subject line question for next week, when I ask and answer What’s Going On In Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers’s Alley Oop … unless something changes the timeline?

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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