Curing the Hiccoughs in Rabbits

I need to preface this by pointing out it’s all true, which I know make it sound like I’m making it up, but I’m not. Our pet rabbit occasionally gets hiccoughs, which are as adorable as you might imagine, if you’re imagining a rabbit flopped out on his bed and suddenly, without sound, jiggling rhythmically, all over.

So I caught him starting to hiccough, and called out, “Try a folk remedy! That always helps!” And he looked a little bit at me for making such a racket and his hiccoughing stopped right there.

From this I learn that I’ve found an exciting new folk remedy for hiccoughs.

Also, if you enjoy this sort of thing, I found reasons to reprint a Jumble word puzzle over on my mathematics blog, because it mentioned abacuses, and that’s enough for my discussions of mathematical-themed comic strips. Also I explain why I think a magic trick from the kids’ activity page was wrong.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

12 thoughts on “Curing the Hiccoughs in Rabbits”

      1. Silent hiccoughs, huh? I saw a few other videos of rabbits who were “silent” while hiccuping — I thought there was no audio! Who knew bunnies were so quiet when hiccuping?! 🙂


        1. Rabbits are awfully good about being quiet, which makes it all the more astounding when they do make noise. Ours is actually fairly noisy, for a rabbit, in that he’ll sneeze and even, on occasion, snore. And if you think a rabbit snoring loud enough to wake himself up might be adorable, you’re underestimating how adorable it actually is.

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