Statistics Saturday: Some Cities Which Have Not Hosted The Winter Olympics

  • London [except for figure staking at the 1908 Games]
  • Stockholm
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Miami
  • Christiania, Norway
  • Toontown
  • Singapore
  • Onion Valley, California
  • Gotham City probably but who can really keep track
  • Glarus, Switzerland

Source: Big Cotton: How a Humble Fiber Created Fortunes, Wrecked Civilizations, and Put America on the Map, Stephen Yafa.

The Toontown one is a particular shame since their application was so strong. It’s just that when the International Olympic Committee members turned the last page of the last binder of Toontown’s proposal these giant creme pies on springs popped out and smacked them in the face. And the Salt Lake City proposal’s binders did the same thing, but their pies were filled with cash money and Mitt Romney reminded the IOC that they could get all kinds of pies with that much money, and then he bought them even more pies, and so Salt Lake got the 2002 games.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

4 thoughts on “Statistics Saturday: Some Cities Which Have Not Hosted The Winter Olympics”

    1. Oh, man, the stories I could tell you about the Linden Cogeneration Plant. … Well, all right, that’s bluff. But I do remember as a kid being confused about the difference between Hal Linden and Hal Lindsey, of The Late, Great Planet Earth fame, that everybody in the 70s had a worn-out copy of even though they didn’t buy it, and the fact of passing through Linden whenever we rode the train into Manhattan didn’t help anything at all.

      Bonus fact: the newsgroup was plagued for years by trying to think of this TV movie where an experimental airplane accidentally goes into orbit and the space shuttle has to go to its rescue. It was finally figured out to be Starflight: The Plane That Couldn’t Land, starring Hal Lindsey. Or Linden. One of them.


  1. Now that you mention it I remember a paperback copy of that book among “Breakfast of Champions”,”Been Down So Long Looks Like Up to Me”, the original novelization of “MAS*H” as well as a few of the sequels written after the movie and sitcom came out,and other random 70s books handed down to me from my brothers. If I remember correctly it had a red cover with an eggshell painted like the Earth on it.


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