What’s Going On In The Phantom (Weekdays)? What’s with the art in The Phantom? September – December 2023

Regular Phantom weekday-strip artist Mike Manley has been ill, and has had to take time off. Sunday artist Jeff Weigel stepped in, with strips featuring his work appearing from last week on. On his blog, Phantom writer Tony DePaul reports that Bret Blevins — who’s filled in in the past — will be on the strip full time for the new stor, “to begin soon”. (It’s startling to imagine the conclusion of the Wrack And Ruin story, which has been running since 2021, but there we are.)

I don’t have any details on Manley’s condition, but DePaul does say “there’s more to come from what I hear. Not good … ” It’s not the sort of merry hint I like to bring, but that’s what we have.

After the title card, though, I should catch you up on the weekday continuity in The Phantom for mid-December 2023. If you’re interested in the separate Sunday continuity, or are reading this after about March 2024, there’s likely a more useful recap here. And if any news about Manley, or other people with The Phantom, comes across my desk I’ll share it there, too.

The Phantom (weekdays).

24 September – 16 December 2023.

My last plot recap came at the start of this segment story, “The Journey Home”. And this week begins “The Epilogue”. It’s almost suspicious in its tidiness.

The important thing about all this was getting folks back where they belong, so far as Destiny will allow it. We got some points that might set up future stories, though. First is Bangallan President Lamanda Luaga giving asylum to the prisoners freed from Gravelines. It’s a courageous move: Rhodia — any nation — would feel humiliated by such a jailbreak, and to have most or all of the freed prisoners right next door could be an irresistible temptation. The second is that Rhodia was already plotting the assassination of President Luaga. And hoped to suborn Savarna Devi into doing the murder. Rhodian Admiral Leopold Braga was scheduled to visit Devi in her cell the day of the jailbreak for her final answer. Which, from the safety of the ride home, she says would always have been no.

On horseback. Diana: 'This very morning was your final chance? You were to be hanged *this morning*, Savarna?' Devi: 'If Admiral Braga's deadline was firm, I suppose so ... I'd be dead now. I told him months ago my answer was no --- and would always be no. Lamanda Luaga never did anything to me.' Diana, whispering to The Phantom: 'Just when I think I might be able to hate her ... ' The Phantom, whispering back: 'I know ... '
Tony DePaul and Mike Manley’s The Phantom for the 27th of October, 2023. I would assume that The Phantom has passed on a warning that Rhodia is looking to assassinate President Luaga. We know he didn’t do it as the Unknown Commander of the Jungle Patrol. But he’s had a lot of time unaccounted-for on screen and we can suppose he does the things it makes sense to do.

Back at Skull Cave is Kit Junior, who it turns out had an irresistible temptation to return home. The idea came to him, turns out, the moment The Phantom stopped to listen to Mozz’s prophecy of Wrack and Ruin. Kit explains he was careful about his track, taking a path that went through Guwahati (in northeastern India), Delhi, Rome, Casablanca, Mombasa, and more, which is all the more impressive when I thought it had only been two, three days tops since this story began. But then the essential power of The Phantom is having time to get stuff done and not be exhausted at the end of it.

The Phantom briefly tries to keep Kit from talking about the Mountain City with Devi, but realizes better. In the prophecy, Devi meeting up with Kit and then murdering Inspector Jampa instigates the bombing of the Mountain City. But if Devi learns where her onetime enslaver was and succumbs to the irresistible temptation to murder him? And Kit’s nowhere on the same continent? Why would this go beyond Devi and Jampa then? And so The Phantom decides to trust in things working out like they ‘should’.

But, like someone or other said, even a miracle needs a hand. And, particularly, they have to keep Kit from being in the Mountain City anytime Devi might murder Jampa. Diana has a plan and it’s oddly matchmaker-y of her. Kit surely won’t go back to the Mountain City without seeing his sister Heloise. And Heloise won’t let him leave without meeting Kadia. And, heck, could Kadia be a potential partner for Kit Jr? So over weeks, we gather, Heloise keeps teasing that she could come home anytime, but not now, and Kit does put up with this.

The Phantom, Chronicling: 'Weeks pass, and the Battle of Gravelines becomes a distant memory .. Savarna has immersed herself in Bandar culture. She's taken to the routine of daily life in the Deep Woods and seems happy here. Did Mozz not foretell as much? If in a different outcome? The prophecy of a Devi line of Phantoms ... '
Tony DePaul and Jeff Weigel’s The Phantom for the 4th of December, 2023. Can I just pause a moment to mention how adorable Devil is here? Because Devil is just so adorable here.

And for Devi — she seems to have a fine time, allowed into the world of the Bandar, and Skull Cave and all its cool stuff. And, in an echo of what she swore in Mozz’s prophecy, thinks of how she is done killing. And, last week, Kit unknowingly said something which set Devi leaving immediately. We may infer that she learned something which placed an irresistible temptation in the way of her giving up revenge. We don’t know how that’s to work out.

This Monday, the 18th, started the epilogue, Kit trying to convince Heloise that he’s leaving next weekend whether she sees him or not, Heloise calling his bluff. And Heloise wondering if she and her mother can make Kit-and-Kadia happen, in case that’s a thing that should.

Next Week!

Murder in the library! I forget whether there was in fact a library murder, but it was certainly book-themed. I’ll just check some things quickly and get back to you with Mike Curtis, Shelley Pleger, and Shane Fisher’s Dick Tracy, all going well. See you then.

What’s Going On In Judge Parker? Is everyone in Judge Parker stupid? June – September 2023

No, absolutely not. And I think even people who can’t stand Francesco Marciuliano’s characterizations would agree that the characters are, at least, presented with rather good emotional intelligence, which maybe the most important kind. Still, the last couple months of story hinge on characters making decisions that the uninvolved onlooker might call wrong.

But these are also decisions characters made in the immediate aftermath of a car crash, one that totalled both cars. Even the smartest of us will be off their game right after that. And even if one is smart, one sometimes makes mistakes, especially in unfamiliar circumstances. I’ll get to the curious mistakes in time, but I also want to flag that just because a character screws up doesn’t mean they, or their author, is stupid.

I hope this catches you up to early September 2023 in Francesco Marciuliano and Mike Manley’s Judge Parker. If you’re reading this after about December 2023, there’s most likely a more up-to-date plot recap here. Thanks for checking in right now, though.

Judge Parker.

11 June – September 2, 2023.

Abbey and Sam were smooching again. It’s part of a whirlwind of ambivalence both feel about splitting up over a freak event. Sam suggests, and Abbey accepts, a romantic getaway. Or at least a getaway, in a remote cabin beyond the real of cell phones, Wi-Fi, or anything but the chance to figure if they do want to be fighting.

They’re barely outside cell phone range when their car smashes into another. Sam insists the other driver swerved into them. It seems unlikely to be on purpose. The other driver flees the car. In the backseat is an unconscious child. Sam decides on the best of their limited options: leave a note, take the child, and hike the fifteen or so miles to their cabin. There’s a land line there that should work. Not considered: hike the mile or two back to where there’s cell phone service. It’s a mistake, but one that’s very easy to make in the circumstances. They’d been heading to the cabin, they think of the cabin as safety, so the decision was made without being thought out.

Abbey, outside the smashed cars: 'Sam, before we do anything, we're considering taking someone else's child with us.' Sam: 'Someone who left their unconscious child behind at the scene of an accident.' Abbey: 'Someone who may come back and see she's gone.' Sam: 'Take a photo of their license plate. I'll leave the cabin's landline number. I don't think it's wise to give the address.'
Francesco Marciuliano and Mike Manley’s Judge Parker for the 27th of July, 2023. Meanwhile, here, given the information Sam and Abbey have? I think they made the best choice they could have. Possibly walking back to where there was cell signal would have been wiser, although in that case the kidnapper would still have got them and they wouldn’t have been saved by the bear. Maybe by Mr Grey, though.

Another thing not thought out: what is a kid going to think when they regain consciousness being hauled into the woods by strangers? They’re going to run away, of course, dashing any hopes of getting to the cabin before it’s too dark. Sam and Abbey try and explain that they only took her because her father was gone. The kid says she wasn’t being driven by her father but by someone who works for him: “he was going to make my dad pay”.

So, a kidnapper. Who has now come back, ready to grab the girl again. Not answered: why did he run away from the car without the kid, only to come back for the kid? Since we know so little about the kidnapper’s personality, or available information, it’s hard to say. My best guess is he panicked after the crash and then tried to put something back together. It’s also not clear why he drove the car into Sam and Abbey’s. But if he was fleeing with the kid, and thought nobody was ever on this road, the accident is understandable.

The kidnapper’s facing them now, though. Abbey thought she heard something following them in the woods as they searched for the kid. It wasn’t the kidnapper. What she heard was a bear. The kidnapper did not learn the lesson of Mark Trail’s story about Sid Stump and his bear-fighting ranch. That lesson, you’ll recall, is “don’t get eaten by a bear”.

Sophie, to Marie: 'It's late and Abbey hasn't called like the promised. And no one's answering at the cabin.' Marie: 'Sophie, they're having a romantic weekend. I'm sure their minds are elsewhere.' [ Elsewhere ] Sam, Abbey, and the child run through the dark woods. Abbey cries out: 'IS THE BEAR CHASING US?' and Sam answers 'KEEP RUNNING!!!'
Francesco Marciuliano and Mike Manley’s Judge Parker for the 28th of July, 2023. “So you say Francesco Marciuliano started out writing the humor comics, huh?”

While fleeing from this trauma Sam almost runs into a car. It’s driven by Mr Grey, the stepfather of Gunther over in Luann. The kid — Alina — recognizes him as Lev, someone who has something to do with her father. Lev Grey drives them all to the overly-guarded mansion of Alina’s father, Pavel. Pavel may or may not have a last name. He does have an oppressively jovial sense of hospitality, and gratitude for saving his child. He’s already learned something about Sam and Abbey, from the note left on the wrecked car, and has decided to give them a job. He wants them to bring someone close to them to him. He shows the picture. It’s Wally West. They have no idea who this is.

Pavel showed the wrong picture. He wants April Parker’s Mother. She’s murdered enough people in Pavel’s criminal organization he wants revenge. But with the CIA watching April Parker’s family around the clock, they can’t grab her. Ah, but if Sam and Abbey happen to see Ma Parker there? And take her to somewhere that Pavel’s men can kill her? Yes, that’s what their job is now.

[ At Pavel's mansion, Sam receives a 'gift' ... ] Sam: 'You want me to capture April Parker's mom?' Pavel: 'What that assassin --- that murderer! --- has done to my people, my organization ... she should not be ANYONE'S mother!' Sam: 'Why can't one of your men do it?' Pavel: 'The CIA is watching April's family around the clock ... but we know it is only a matter of time before her mom shows up to April's house ... and that's when you, a close friend of their family, can get inside. And bring her to use.' Sam: 'I'm sorry, Pavel. I can't do this.' Pavel: 'No, what you *can't* do is turn down my gift to you. You saved my daughter. Don't put your own children in danger by being rude.'
Francesco Marciuliano and Mike Manley’s Judge Parker for the 20th of August, 2023. I don’t know why Pavel assumes that Ma Parker is going to come to her daughter’s house. Anyway, between the Deputy Mayor’s drone coverup thing, and maybe making the deal with Norton to get Alan Parker out of jail (I forget if it was him or Randy Parker and it’s too hot and muggy to check my notes) and now this, Sam Driver is finally a compromised enough attorney that Rudy Giuliani is telling him to unwind some of this, fast.

Mr Grey brings Sam and Abbey back home, which is probably as well for their romantic getaway. They have no idea what to say about being roped into a crime spree like this. Sam consults Suspended Detective Yelich, who’s still got friends at the Federal Department of Backstory. Turns out Pavel might not have a last name after all, but he’s got enough of a crime network that he’s incredibly dangerous to cross, and any of Sam and Abbey’s family is likely in danger too. There’s nothing they can do besides sit tight, play along, and hope that Francesco Marciuliano jumps the action ahead enough months, see if maybe Marie or Sophie’s roommate from college is running for Mayor of Cavelton. And that’s where we are now.

Next Week!

Olive Oyl died! So what’s she doing with the rest of her life? I’m looking at Shadia Amin and Randy Milholland’s Olive and Popeye next week, is my plan. But we know what happens to plans.