What’s Going On In Gil Thorp? Are Gil and Mimi Thorp Divorced? November 2023 – February 2024

They are. We saw Gil Thorp and Mimi signing the divorce papers the 29th of January. Before that we saw the two looking over photo albums agreeing they had good times, and Mimi asking if they’d still be friends. Coach Cami Ochoa mentioned how she thought Keri Thorp would be someone who loved having two moms. And coach Luke Martinez swore up and down that Gil Thorp would be the hottest bachelor in Milford. So this is as established as can be.

So this should bring you up to date to mid-February 2024 in
Henry Barajas and Rod Whigham’s Gil Thorp. If you’re reading this after about May 2024, or news breaks about the strip, I should have a more up-to-date essay about it here. Now get in losers: we’re going to Milford.

Gil Thorp.

20 November 2023 – 10 February 2024.

Formatting this as a celebrity gossip column worked last time too, so I’m going to keep that up. We got a title for Chapter Four: The Misdirect, the 27th of November, which means once again a story strip started a fresh installment right about when I covered them here. This is coincidence but an eerie one. Except that loose definitions make it all but inevitable.

So. Also broken up? Keri Thorp and Pedro Martinez, who’s been ghosting her — and staying in his room — since Keri’s abortion and the football accident that broke his leg. Keri thinks Pedro is trying to embarrass his father; Tobias Gordon wonders if Pedro’s embarrassed about blowing the game.

Under Coach Kim's watchful eye, Pedro Martinez runs along the road, beside a peacock; he finishes a push-up that he counts as the 101st, and he holds his arms up in triumph.
Henry Barajas and Rod Whigham’s Gil Thorp for the 6th of February, 2024. Hey, no fair running into Mark Trail there! Turn back before a squirrel talks about the poachers!

One person does cut through Pedro’s seclusion. Valley Tech Coach Paul Kim shows up at the Martinez’s one day, saying he needs Pedro’s help. Before long he’s got Pedro doing push-ups and racing peacocks, all the signs of being recalled to life.

Speaking of Tobias: the story of him and Rodney Barnes going to juvenile detention for selling vape sticks reached a natural conclusion. And a punch line that would have fit in the Neal Rubin era, too, which underscores how Barajas has loaded new motifs into Gil Thorp without abandoning the old. After a couple strips establishing them getting back to normal with their friends, Rodney mentions how his cousin is making a killing flipping shoes. “You’re on your own, homie,” says Toby, and they freeze mid-laughter while the credits roll.

Warming up for wrestling. Keri: 'Where are your parents?' Inma Rimsha: 'I didn't tell them. I don't want to cause any more trouble.' Gil Thorp: 'Hey, Inma ... I spoke with the district compliance officer. There shouldn't be any issues going forward.'
Henry Barajas and Rod Whigham’s Gil Thorp for the 18th of December, 2023. Compliance officers, by the way, are the people who find out whether there are laws to cover a thing, and then tell people in the organization what they are. So I’m assuming there’s a thin-skinned class of people whining about compliance officers existing and now you can dismiss their very silly opinions right away.

With that story of teens in trouble resolved there’s room for a new one. This would be Inma Rimsha, who’s on the girls wrestling team that’s brand-new this year. We’re introduced to this with an opposing team’s coach demanding she not wear her hijab. We don’t see how that particular conflict worked out, but Gil Thorp spoke with the district compliance officer and confirmed that yes, religious freedom means women can wear hijabs if they want.

Gil Thorp urges Rimsha to invite her parents to a match. She’s not sure that’s wise, but it turns out they’re proud of her and she has what seems like a convincing win, which is great. But the other controversy comes thanks to Marty Moon, who asks Rimsha’s opinion about the protests outside. Rimsha says she wishes she were there with the protesters, supporting an immediate cease-fire. Taking a mild stand against genocide proves controversial, of course, but Thorp stands up for his student.

Gil Thorp also gets into a weird exchange with a Coach Hernandez, which is a name once used by mistake for Martinez and that’s caused me no end of confusion in the first drafts of these essays. It also has Thorp demanding Hernandez keep his hands off “your student’s parents”, which isn’t something we’ve seen out of Martinez. I have no explanation for this phenomenon.

Coach Gerards, in a parking lot, asking 'Who's there?' to a person seen only as a curled fist in the foreground. Gerards recognizes two of his players: 'Martin, I said we'll talk about this at practice. Go home.' Martin sucker-punches him.
Henry Barajas and Rod Whigham’s Gil Thorp for the 15th of January, 2024. Well that’s a development that hit like a, oh, I don’t know, some kind of punch to the gut or something.

There’s also a curious coach-in-trouble story going on. This with — I believe, based on what seems to be the results of a four-team open-air hockey tournaments — Goshen’s Coach Gerads. This began, logic tells me, after the basketball game against Milford. Some of the benched players take out their anger at the teams loss on Gerads’s stomach, and since then he’s been afraid of his students, to the point he’s cringing at Gil Thorp, a man whose antique flip phone only makes calls through Myrt the Operator.

Also, Coach Ochoa stumbled across a gimmick that seems to rally the boys hockey team. Chanting nursery rhymes sure changes the mood, going from one of facing imminent defeat to one of the opponents not knowing what’s going on over there. Again, something that wouldn’t be out of line in Neal Rubin’s day.

There, now. Does the past twelve weeks of storytelling make more sense to you?

Milford Sports Watch!

The sports watch is getting all the more exciting and complicated as Barajas gets more elliptical about naming his opponents! So there are probably errors on this list. I will accept corrections and only sulk privately about getting stuff wrong, as always.

Next Week!

From the comic strip people most complain about jumbled and unmotivated plots to … Francesco Marciuliano and Mike Manley’s Judge Parker! Am I going to have to separate these two strips so I don’t overload my rationalization engine? Anyway it’s your chance to meet a Judge Parker relative I don’t know if Marciuliano just made up or who actually used to be in the comic back in the Benjamin Harrison administration or what.

Apparently the Labor Market Is Heating Up

Since just days after that $65-a-month LinkedIn job I saw this one.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn job listing detail, offering a base salary of $0/year.
On the one hand, they are only promising zero dollars, but they are offering it per year, which is twelve times as long to be employed as per month offers!

Thinking of Dropping an Application in Anyway

Just ran across this job listing on LinkedIn and I’m thinking of seeing if I can snag an interview just so I can ask if they’re getting a lot of ironic applications in.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn job listing detail, offering a base salary of $65/month.
Or maybe the job is, like, two hours of work a month? If that’s it and I can do it remotely, okay. I bet I could do like a hundred of those jobs a month.

In Which I’m Afraid I Just Let You All Down

I don’t mean to disappoint. It’s just that my love and I have been busy the whole last week, visiting small amusement parks and giggling at mistakes in their signs. I should say we’re not doing this maliciously. We go in expecting we’re going to have a great time, wearing the T-shirts for other small, obscure amusement parks, sometimes on other continents. And we do have a great time, because there is a real delight in a small park where they’re still going on about how they put in a frog jumper ride in 2011, and at any moment you might blink and be in the middle of a swarm of up to forty kids, some of them reaching up to the lower end of your knee, in a screaming birthday-cake riot. But the point is I haven’t had the time to write anything amusing and I apologize for that. Here’s my mathematics blog writing about comic strips yesterday. Thanks and I’ll be back to normal not tomorrow because that’s going to look at the June statistics. But sometime or other. You’ll know it when you see it.

Another Blog, Meanwhile Index

The Another Blog, Meanwhile index rose above 200 which is being treated as a great triumph for the long investors what with this being index territory nobody has seen in two days. Well, if it makes them happy, good. They can deal with it.


Statistics Saturday: Twelve Typos That Ought To Be English Words

  • puctures
  • gon
  • stor
  • toyble
  • crowbell
  • jeaded
  • gerat
  • hremor
  • denetistry
  • plasteroid
  • etimate
  • lemonal

Here, if you’d like to put in some deserving would-be words of your own, enjoy.

Another Blog, Meanwhile Index

The index rose seven points over the day. Traders are naturally thrilled, not just because they could also say it rose seven percent and be exactly as right. Anyway everyone’s agreed that there’ll never again be a disaster like the index dropping below 100 ever again. So goodness knows what Sunday is going to bring but if it’s 99 it’s going to get so many people acting smug.


Pretty Well Pictured

Oh yeah, comic strips on the mathematics blog if you missed that.

As will happen I got to wondering about the Sears Portrait Studio. Like, does it still exist? Does Sears? There’s a free-standing Sears store nearby that I assume is still open because every time I drive past I feel vaguely sad, but do they take photographs? So I looked up SearsPortraits.com and I couldn’t tell whether I was using it wrong. I can’t seem to get my web browser (Safari, because I’m on a Mac is why) to turn up any location at all other than the Cross Country Shopping Center, in Yonkers, at “Rte 87(ny ST) & Cross CT Pkwy”. That first would be what humans call I-87, or actually the Thruway.

Maybe it’s some web browser glitch. Their “Now Hiring” page lists two jobs, Studio General Manager and Sales Associates, and doesn’t list any way to fill in an application. They must need more than two people, right? At least they need someone to make their web browser work with Safari?

But I kept looking. And I found Sears Portrait Studio hours for someplace called The Florida Mall, in Orlando. It’s not listed as one of their Featured Stores. But what is listed?

Featured Stores: Macy's, Zara, Michael Kors, American Girl (R), M and M's World, Apple Computer, Disney Store, The, Crayola Experience, Carlos Bakery.
The Florida Mall has one of those annoying directories where it spins a little loading wheel to dynamically load a page of all its stores and icons, rather than just having, like, a flat page that gets updated the once a month that somebody new comes in or closes up. Just saying. How can the American Girl store be rated R and yet their Sunglass Hut isn’t rated NC-17?

The The Store? I love that place! It’s certainly a place to be! And it’s the spot to buy the most popular articles! Well, one of the two or maybe three out there, at least.

Also it turns out Sears Portrait Studio Canada is alert and active and watching Twitter to see if anyone doesn’t believe in them anymore so, you know, watch what you say. I do want to make it clear to them: I believe Sears Portrait Studio Canada exists and apologize for giving any offense wherever I might have.

Updates From The Local Alternate Weekly

The architecture critic in the local alternate weekly seems to be settling back to normal, at least after a piece where he declared icicles to be the eyesore of the week. It really wasn’t that harsh a winter, not compared to the winter of 2013-14, which waited outside the houses of every mid-Michigander personally so as to whack us in the shins. So I don’t see that icicles deserve all that much hate, not this year.

The past week’s issue did a feature about Tim Barron, local talk radio guy, who’s leaving radio in favor of telling people stuff over the Internet, where he won’t have to worry about clashing with the audience his old station wants. He says, in the article, “I’m a bit too abrasive, too realistic for that. I say words like penis and vagina.”

While of course I wonder which words like penis and vagina he says (penury? angina? pinochle?), what caught my intrest was a sidebar panel mentioning things Barron had hosted in the area, including the Costume Contest For Dogs (24 years!), the Common Ground music festival, and the “Home Guilders Association of Greater Lansing’s Toys of Tots”. It’s easy to suppose that this is an ordinary typo on a line that’s already got another typo on it, but I also like the idea that the capital area can support a whole association of people who dip houses into gold. It suggests the economy is on an upswing and they won’t have to assess our house at a higher rate anytime soon. Also that there’s a long-running Costume Contest for Dogs that I didn’t know about until now.